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About the St. James Polish Club and Membership

 Established in 2015, the St. James Polish Club is open to any St. James resident of Polish Ancestry and their spouse/partner. The club mission is to meet, mingle and share our ethnic heritage. There are no dues collected. At the inaugural dinner, it was established that the group would meet three to four times a year. Future get togethers will include BBQs, beach parties, dinners, holiday events, etc.


Debbie Martin and Barbara Stevens were the organizers of the club.  Debbie has since moved from St. James.  Barbara was the Club Coordinator until October 2022.  We are deeply indebted to Barb for her vision and commitment to the St. James Polish Club.


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The Current Leadership Team


Organization Structure: There are no elected Club officers.  We have a Club Coordinator and an Activities Committee. The Club Coordinator is a volunteer who serves as the Administrator. The Activities Committee consists of volunteers who organize the various events and serve as a quasi-board of directors to the Coordinator.  Without the Activities Committee our Club would not exist.


Club Coordinator:  Dick Szot


Activities Committee:  Janine Bobeck, Joe Bonczkowski, Michelle Haley, Lisa Kenahan, Al Lebiednik and Jennifer Woychik-Rogers

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Join us . . .

To join our Polish club, click on the link below and fill out the form and click Send.   An email with the information you provided will be sent to the Membership Chair and will be added to the membership rolls.    You will receive regular emails and updates on events and programs.     To be removed from the membership roles, please send an email to


Click HERE for the Membership Form.



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